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[Desktop, office] [Net, Internet] [Games] [Multimedia] [Business] [System] [Security] [Graphic] [Auto, Moto] [Education, Science] [Programming] [Web-developing] [Drivers] 19:01:06, Sunday, 02 June 2024 

1.  Fractal Tune Smithy Size: 3 Kb, License: Shareware, Language: ENG
Create beautiful music effortlessly - and discover your talent as a budding composer! Choose one of the tunes that come with the program or enter a very short musical phrase of a few notes, and hear it transformed into an intricate tracery of music. The music is fractal which means it is highly stru... See description and download Fractal Tune Smithy
Today downloaded: 0 times, Total downloaded: 55 times, Last update: 14.6.2003, Users vote:
2.  Virtual Flower Size: 2063 Kb, License: Shareware, Language: ENG
Makes trees, flowers and geometrical patterns in 3D. Trees grow or unfold. A swirling pattern of stars suddenly coalesces into a geodesic sphere with all the points gracefully touching. Navigate through a forest of rustling leaves, or visit an island with exotic flowers. See description and download Virtual Flower
Today downloaded: 0 times, Total downloaded: 52 times, Last update: 14.6.2003, Users vote:
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