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[Desktop, office] [Net, Internet] [Games] [Multimedia] [Business] [System] [Security] [Graphic] [Auto, Moto] [Education, Science] [Programming] [Web-developing] [Drivers] 10:01:01, Sunday, 02 June 2024 

1.  SearchSites Size: 1991 Kb, License: Freeware, Language: ENG
SearchSites is a free, time-saving tool for software developers. It searches software sites for any given program's name, and allows you to quickly and easily see where your program is listed, and where you need to submit or update. The software works by sending your search query to the sites that y... See description and download SearchSites
Today downloaded: 0 times, Total downloaded: 52 times, Last update: 12.3.2004, Users vote:
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